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Photographic competition about the controversial quay Botafoc

Photographic competition about the controversial quay Botafoc
The "Plataforma contra el dic des Botafoc", Amics de la Terra, the GEN-GOB and the Institut d'Estudis Eivissencs have organised a photographic competition "Un paisatge irrepetible" dedicated to the surroundings of es Botafoc, old islet joined artificially to the land to close the part of the port of Eivissa that has an old lighthouse of the same name, built in the second half of the XIX century.

The competition is part of the campaign against the building works of the new quay es Botafoc and has two parts.  The first, called  "Imatges perdudes", for photographs that reflect the state of Es Botafoc and its surroundings before the start of the work.  The second "Una badia venuda", for photographs that reflect the present moment of the works already carried out to create the new access and to situate the blocks of concrete to make the new quay es Botafoc. In connection to the age of contestants, there are three categories: A, for under 13; B between 13 and 17 and C over 17.  In all there will be six prizes, one per topic and age, being a camera worth 40 € (category A), photographic material worth 40 € (category B), and a ceramic designed by Toniet Coves (category C).

The photographic format can be in colour or black and white, and the maximum dimensions are 20 x 30 cm mounted on lightweight card o passpartout 35 x 45 cm, and the minimum 15 x 20 cm, mounted on light card or passpartout 30 x 35 cm.  The photographs can be presented until June 26 at the offices of  GEN-GOB and the Institut d'Estudis Eivissencs, where the conditions of the competition can be found, and the decision by the jury will be announced in July.  The winning photographs, together with others selected by the jury, will be exhibited in different parts of the island.

Sources from the Platform against the quay es Botafoc have told EivissaWeb their confidence that the Courts will finally paralyse the works, based on the sentences that declared null and void the special Plan to extend the port of Eivissa.

Information can be found about the extension to the port of Eivissa on  this page by the Amics de la Terra. On the other hand, the page by the Autoridad Portuaria de Balears offers full information about the five existing commercial ports in the Balearics and Pitiüses, amongst those the one in Eivissa, but does not give any information about the building work for the new quay es Botafoc.

Photos © BalearWeb
Datum: 07/06/2002

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