What is the weblog? Above all, it is a space for free expression.
You can say what you think, what you feel or what you think about anything.
A personal on line diary. In fact, nearly any personal page that
is updated regularly could be regarded as a weblog.
Worth stressing is the easy for introducing new material: it is not
necessary to be an ace in web design to have your weblog. Once you
have registered, you fill in a form, press the button to send the text...
and the very programme takes charge of forming the page. The weblogs
are doing a lot to popularise the use of Internet and they are growing
like mushrooms: there are already search engines and specialised
directories for them, such as
EatonWeb Portal. They are
an indisputable reality and fashion. .
There are many specialised portals for hosting weblogs: perhaps the
most famous is
Blogger, but we can
also find
Movable Type and in
Bitácoras.net (México)
Blogalia. What can we find on
Eivissa? Not much yet but there are some interesting ones:
Juan Manuel Grijalvo, with a
pile of writings send to the media and articles from other authors, both
Ibizan and foreigners (there are writings from an Algerian journalist),
Karin Schernitzki,
a young Argentine girl who lives and works on Eivissa, or by
Coll, ex general secretary of
who shows his less serious side in his diary.
Of course references to Eivissa are not only to be found in Ibizan weblogs:
any tourist who is on holiday on the island can do one: from this
to this
To express one's opinion on Internet gets easier and easier.
Pere Marí