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The Catalan language in the Balearics: Present and future

The Romanic Seminary of the University of Münster, together with the Germanic-Catalan Association and the collaboration by the Centre de Recherche sur le Plurilingüisme in Bruselas has organised the International Congress "Catalunya, un cas excepcional a Europa?" that will take place at the Münster University between April 6 and 8, 2000. Within this programme the XVII Conversations of the Germanic-Catalan Association will take place.

The organisation has invited the general director for Linguistic Policy of the Govern de les Illes Balears, Joan Melià, to participate in the opening conferences of the talks, in which Miquel Reniu (Generalitat de Catalunya), Lluis Jou (director general de Política Lingüística de la Generalitat de Catalunya) and Antoni Badia (Universitat de Barcelona) will also participate. The talk by Joan Melià is headed "The Catalan Language in the Balearics: Present and Future" and takes place on April 6 at 3.30.p.m.

The organisation of the Congress has also invited the Mallorcan writers, Biel Mesquida and Baltasar Porcel to participate in the round table "Coffee, liqueur and literature" together with Jaume Cabré and Joan Francesc Mira.

Source: Gabinet de Comunicació del Govern de les Illes Balears
Date of publication: 06/04/2000

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