Govern de les Illes Balears has
signed an agreement with the
General del Notariado and the Colˇlegi Notarial de Balears,
with a view to facilitating in the Balearics the payment via Internet of
taxes derived from the notarial operations and the removal of posterior
administrative steps for the transmission of a property that until now
had to be taken with the Town Halls, Government and the Cadastral registry,
and will now be possible via the Notaries and Internet.
The initiative, that will enable 140,000 operations per year that
at present take place on the islands, in person, that can be done via Internet,
is part of the Modernisation Programme for taxation created by the Balearic
Government with a view to promoting innovation in financial Administration
of the autonomous community (Pla Finnova), and is part of the Projecto
e-notario of the Consell General del Notariado.
de comunicaciķ del Govern de les Illes Balears