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EivissaWeb Search: new

During September 2001, 74 webs have been included in the directory and search engine of  EivissaWeb.

Amongst other novelties, we can find: the Ibizan printers Margen Arts Gràfiques, Imprenta Ibosim and Gráficas Pitiusas; the page Illes Encantades by the journalist, Josep Riera; the personal web by Pere Marí Marí, journalist and habitual collaborator for EivissaWeb; the page dedicated to giving information on the work by the Ibizan poet Marià Villangómez, carried out by  Ferran Nogués and Carles Torres; the progressive rock group Perfect Pair; the Club Ibosim, computer club in Eivissa and Formentera; the Instituto de Educación Secundaria Isidor Macabich in Eivissa; Fires i Congressos d'Eivissa i Formentera (FECOEF); Destilerías Marí Mayans in Eivissa; Companatge, distribution firm for Ibizan food products, with an artisan centre in Santa Gertrudis; Café del Mar, café in Sant Antoni, base for the musical company of the same name; the discotheque in Sant Antoni Es Paradís Terrenal; the Obispado de Eivissa i Formentera; the naval companies Pitra and Naviera Umafisa; and the web by  Ibizabus with the times of the buslines on Eivissa.

From this link all the webs registered during September 2001 can be seen.

At present there is a total of 808 webs and 577 news accumulated in the EivissaWeb database.
Date of publication: 02/10/2001

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