Edicions Documenta Balear will soon present four new books. The first,
L'esclafit de la crispació", by Guillem Mas and Antoni Mateu,
is part of the collection "Guerra Civil a Mallorca. Poble a Poble"
and analyses the evolution of the municipal policy since the beginning
of the XX century, marked by the bipartidism between liberals and conservatives.
The two following books are included in the collection "Quaderns
d'Història Contemporània de les Balears". The tittles
are "La Cultura a Eivissa i Formentera (siglos XIX i XX)", by Isidor
Marí, that summarizes the literary, humanistic, intellectual and
artistic activity of the Pitiüses islands from the end of the Ancient
Regime to the period that started with the approval of the Statute of Autonomy
of the Balearic Islands in 1983; and "El regnat de Ferran VII a Mallorca",
by Manuel Ferrer Flórez, that describes the sharp interruption that
represented the reign of Fernando VII (1814-1833) in the process of liberal
revolution initiated by the Cortes de Cádiz.
The fourth book that will be presented this Autumn by Documenta Balear
is "L'origen de la Caixa de Balears. Els projectes d'una burgesia modernitzadora"
by Isabel Peñarrubia, within the collection Manjavents. This
work stars a varied group of bourgeois people that, together with entities
such as the Ateneu Balear and the Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de
las Balears "Sa Nostra", guided the economical and political modernisation
in the Balearic Islands during the second half of the XX century.
More information and book sales: