The third Virtual Campus and the second edition of the
d'Informātica, Telecomunicacions i Noves Tecnologies d'Eivissa
will take place from February 21 to 24 at the exhibition hall sa Blancadona,
in the outsides of Eivissa city. With over 100 computers connected to the
net, the event will include ludic and educational activities related to
the new technologies for information and communication. The web of the
Club Ibosim offers complete information
about this event, including the
competitions Half Lite, Starcraft and Submarine Titans.
More over, the
Sant Antoni Town
Council has organised within the fair the second
awards, with prizes for the best commercial and the best personal web page.
The inscriptions period ends on February 23 at 10 p.m. and the decision
of the jury will be announced on the following day.
Pere Marí