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The works on the quay Es Botafoc advance

The works on the quay Es Botafoc advance
The building works for the new quay Es Botafoc in the port of Eivissa, financed in 85% by the European Union, are advancing according to the programme that foresees the completion by the end of the year and huge boxes of concrete continue to be towed from the Port of Valencia.

The 15 boxes that form the base of the new quay Es Botafoc are able to float thanks to some hollow cells that contain air. Once the pieces are in their final situation, they are filled with water via a system of communicating chambers and are placed on the previously prepared sea bed. In the area of Es Botafoc a small concrete plant has also been installed destined to create smaller blocks that make up the quay.

The construction of the quay continues to generate controversy and the opposers to the extension to the port of Eivissa have organised a photographic contest "Un paisatge irrepetible" dedicated to the surroundings of Es Botafoc. Meanwhile, the Higher Courts of Justice of the Balearics confirmed recently the legality of the work, in contrary to the position defended by the Colegio de Arquitectos and in favour of the thesis defended by the Autoridad Portuaria de Balears.

Photos Š BalearWeb
Date of publication: 02/07/2002

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