This week there will be two concerts to end the cycle "Músics
d'Avui", that started on July 13. The auditorium of Cas Serres will
hold this Friday, as from 9.30 p.m. the performance by the Clàssic
de Vent del Patronat Municipal de Música de la Ciutat d'Eivissa,
made up of Paco Serrano (flute), Adelaida Ufano (oboe), Salvador Ruiz (clarinet),
Damián Boluda (trompa) and Vicent Miquel Cantó (fagot). They
will interpret, amongst other works, some by Dvorak, Mozart and Strauss.
On Saturday, at the same time and same place, the Eivissa ensemble 2000
will perform, with a concert for the piano. This chamber group was born
with the view to present their own repertoire. The are made up of
Toni Riera (flute), Salvador Ruiz (clarinet), Damián Boluda (horn),
Maite Galarza (violoncello), Joan "Barbé" (percussion) and Adolfo
Villalonga (piano). Some of the works they will play are based on poems
by Marià Villangómez, Antonio Colinas and Julio Herranz.
To have a full list of pieces they will play in these two concerts and
the curriculums of all the people who have passed through the cycle "Músics
d'avui" you can
Pere Marí