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Activities for the end of the year in Can Ventosa

Activities for the end of the year in Can Ventosa
"La mediterrānia, una cruīlla de pobles" is the title of the new exhibition to take place at the Centre Cultural Can Ventosa from Vila.  As well as the exhibition, there is a cycle of conferences about the reality of Mediterranean countries and film cycle from November 26 to 29, with films such as "Before the Rain" from Macedonia, or the French-Tunisian "Halfaouine".  This exhibition is part of a campaign to make people aware of the cultural diversity of this region that is carried out in Catalunya and the Balearics, as is seen on this page of the Fons Catalā de Cooperaciķ.

The programme for Can Ventosa for the next three months has an abundant choice of Children's Theatrics (the cycle "Teatre a l'Escola" includes 13 Spanish, Catalan and English shows), music (with the 10th edition of "Cicle d'Intčrprets Eivissencs") and films, with the festival of short films by Elektrozine (October 24 and 25) and the projection, this week, of two short films that were exhibited at the Mostra de Curtmetratges of Portmany, organised by Incortum.

As for the theatre, on Saturday 12, there will be the premiere of "Geloses" by Esther Vilar, and on 26 "Fātima a Teheran" by  Bernat Joan i Marí. The following day there will be mime theatre "Histōries amb pilotes i sense pilotes".

If you wish to find more information about the activities at Can Ventosa, you may consult the three month programme here.

Pere Marí
Date of publication: 08/10/2002

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