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A selection of the works by Joan Miró reaches Santa Eulària

A selection of the works by Joan Miró reaches Santa Eulària
"El temps fa la vida impossible a qui vol matar-lo". (Time makes life impossible for someone who wants to kill it")  So says one of the poems by the surrealist poet  Jacques Prevert, that accompany some of the works by Joan Miró that are being shown in the Exhibition Hall of the Ayuntamiento de Santa Eulària.

Until November 30, a group of graphic work by Miró between 1971 and 1979 can be visited in this centre. The visitors can admired the groups "Adonides", a mixture of painting and poetry with texts by Jacques Prevert, "El lagarto de las plumas de oro" (The lizard with the golden feathers), a surrealist poem in which words and images of dreams are drawn, and "Pasaje de la egipcia y Minutas conjuntas" (Passage from the Egiptian and Minutes together), a collection of three paintings from which the poet and novelist, André Pieyre de Mandiargues received inspiration to write two poems.

Pere Marí

Exhibition Hall of Santa Eulària
c/Sant Jaume, 72
Times: from 5 to 8 p.m., Mondays to Fridays

Photo © BalearWeb
Date of publication: 20/11/2002

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