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Sant Antoni in fiestas

Sant Antoni in fiestas
The people of Sant Antoni have been celebrating their patron saint festivities since last week-end. As usual, the  Town Council has prepared an extensive and varied programme of events and the marquee in the Passeig de ses Fonts will be the scene of most of these. The most festive part of the programme starts on Thursday 16, at 8 p.m. with the popular barbecue and music by Orquestra Platino. The Sant Antoni mass, on Friday 17, will start at 12 noon followed by the traditional procession, folkdancing, decorated floats parade and blessing of the animals. This same Friday, at 6 p.m. is the start of the Primeres Jornades de Software Lliure organised by the club Ibosim in  the Cafetería Guay and the day will end with music and dancing in the marquee with the regional group Coros y Danzas Virgen del Rosario from Murcia and the Orquestra Platino. There will also be music and dancing the following evening, Saturday 19, but as well as the guest group from Murcia, the group Aires Formenterencs will also perform.

The main event on Sunday 19 will be the popular paella pro Manos Unidas that will be held in the marquee as from 2 p.m.

The events of the programme will continue until Sunday, February 2.  More information in this document in Word format.

Photo © BalearWeb
Date of publication: 14/01/2003

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