Institut d'Estudis Eivissencs
(IEE) will celebrate next Monday, June 23, the traditional "Nit de Sant
Joan", itinerant party that is held every year in a different town of the
Island. This year the fiesta will take place in Sant Miquel de Balansat
with music by the Mallorcan folk group
During the festivity the research prizes "Nit de Sant Joan" will be
given and the Manifest will be read, in which, since 1973, the IEE states
its point of view about the cultural and social reality of the Pitiüses.
More information about the "Nit de Sant Joan" can be found
this special section of the web of the
As usual, the event will begin at 9.30 p.m. and will end with a big "fogueró"
Photo © BalearWeb: Sant Miquel de Balansat