From September 15 to 26, the fourth edition of the
d'Estiu d'Eivissa i Formentera will take place. The programme for this
year includes five courses that will be held in the university centre
of the UIB, in calle de Bes 9, in Eivissa.
- Subaquatic activities and health
- Contemporary architecture on the Pitiüses islands
- Dialogues between philosophy and poetry: Leopardi, Keats, Hölderlin,
Rilke and Marià Villangómez
- Labour relations within the tourist sector of the Balearic Islands
- Nutrition in ageing and degenerative diseases.
Within the framework of the courses, there will also be a conference
about art in Sant Francesc de Formentera (Friday 19) and a performance
featuring poetry and music in the Eivissa Town Hall (Saturday 20).
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