The council room of the Consell d'Eivissa i Formentera, in the avenida
Espanya in Eivissa, will house during the weekends March 5-6, 12-13 and
19-20 the fourth edition of the "Jornades de Cultura Popular de
les Pitiüses". The sessions will start at 8.30 p.m. with free
This year the days are centred on popular music, and amongst other
topics will talk about "romanços", traditional songs and
music, with the participation of experts such as the Ibizan Gilberto
Tur Riera and Jaume Escandell
Guasch from Formentera, amongst others.
The days will end on Saturday 20 with a special session that will
include a tribute to na Catalineta s'espardenyera and Pep