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Archive 1999-2003

News: 176-180 of 1200

  1. 176.

    Electronic commerce course by the UIB Campus Extens

    The Campus Extens of the UIB, has organised an online course on Electronic Commerc Laws that will be held between March 17 and July 28. The course is organised by the Centre of Law and ...

    29 January 2003Archive 1999-2003

  2. 177.

    "Nits de Lluna": alternative youth leisure for the weekends

    The youth programme "Nits de Lluna" promoted by the Eivissa Town Council together with the ASECAL association has a new web. The page contains the programme of free activities that are held ...

    29 January 2003Archive 1999-2003

  3. 178.

    Fiestas of Santa Eulària

    Today the programme of the fiestas of Santa Eulária des Riu start, and as usual it includes proposals for every age for all tastes, and will last until March 2. Sport occupies one of the ...

    28 January 2003Archive 1999-2003

  4. 179.

    World Wetlands Day 2003

    On Sunday, February 2, the World Wetlands Day will be observed with the slogan No wetlands - no water! to commemorate the signing of the Convention on Wetlands in 1971, in the Iranian city ...

    28 January 2003Archive 1999-2003

  5. 180.

    Bernat Joan wins the Ciutat d'Eivissa for narrative

    The writer, Bernat Joan i Marí (Eivissa, 1960) has won the Premi de Narrativa Infantil Ciutat d'Eivissa with the play "El dimoni cucarell i l'arbre sagaç". The prize, given by the Eivissa ...

    28 January 2003Archive 1999-2003


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